Nylacast are pleased to announce a number of employees across the business have passed their NVQ Level 2 in Business Improvement Techniques. All 12 Nylacast candidates successfully passed their Level 2 NVQ in Business Improvement Techniques. The course and projects undertaken in order to gain the qualification looked into areas such as waste management and time and cost saving focused projects. Some of the successful candidates also commented that the course, projects, qualification and experience gained has helped to improve and develop teamwork, as well as creating a valuable skill set which can be used both in the work place and in their personal life. Graham Cripps, one of the course instructors who was on hand to present the certificates to the successful candidates was pleased to comment that the Nylacast employees on the Business Improvement Techniques course stood out from a number of other organizations and companies involved on the course due to three main factors, the quality of the candidates projects and their dedication and the level of support from management. Nylacast would like to congratulate the 12 successful candidates on their new qualifications, it is a proud achievement and a valued skill set to Nylacast.

14 February 2011< 1 min read