We are pleased to announce that Nylacast Group Managing Director Mussa Mahomed will be a guest speaker at the UKTI event SERT 2011, which aims to address the question of whole-life cycle environmental impact (such as the impact of vehicle emissions and broader environmental impact) of alternative road transport technologies and how these compare with conventional vehicles throughout the life of a vehicle. It will also include elements detailing how Intelligent Transport Systems can assist in this area. Having pioneered the use of Nylacast polymers and self-lubricating components in the most arduous of applications, Nylacast have been providing engineered plastic solutions to a range of industries for over 40 years, having worked on a diverse range of applications often increasing performance and saving value on using engineering polymers instead of traditional metals. Mussa will be a guest speaker at the event to provide technical knowledge and experience directly to the industry. Further information on SERT 2011 can be found at http://www.sustainableworld2011.com/overview.php?event=3

8 March 2011< 1 min read